
Showing posts from January, 2019

#10 - 2018 in Movies

After twelve long months of Fortnite dances, Tide Pod challenges, and government shutdowns, 2018 has finally come to a close. I had a pretty good year for myself: a new job, a month long road trip, etc. I went to the movies a LOT - I think more than in any other year of my life. You might say it's a waste of time, but I say... yes. So now that we're a few days into the new year, let's all take some time to reflect on the mindless entertainment I enjoyed in 2018. I've ranked these movies in order of how much I liked them, with the best being at the very end. I'll leave out anything that could be a spoiler. But a few of these are based on real events, so you could just Wikipedia them or something. Oh, also - I may have gotten a few of the titles slightly incorrect. Mediocre Beasts: The Crimes of Johnny Depp What the hell happened Harry Potter?  Fantastic Beasts 2  is an absolute mess; characters' motivations don't make sense, events seem to happen in a v...