
Showing posts from July, 2018

#6 - Road Trip

A few months ago, my good friend Chase told me he was planning a cross-country road trip that would take the entirety of July 2018. He asked me if I was interested in joining him. I said yes, of course. Then, on June 30th, we set off: Chase, Raven, Tripp, Curtis and myself piled into a rental Dodge Caravan and began the drive. Chase and Rave were (and are) two of my closest friends. I knew Tripp, but not particularly well. Apparently, Curtis and I had met before, but neither of us remembered. Oh well. We all got to know each other quite a bit better over the course of the following month. I knew I wanted to write something about the trip - I'd be an idiot not to. Originally I'd planned to just give a summary - where we went, what we saw, etc. But that sounded both vague and dull. I instead decided to share some short stories from the trip: any of the strange or funny things we did, or people we met along the way. If you are interested in more detail, I believe Chase and Curti...